Tuesday 2 August 2011

Day 3: Don't forget the sunscreen!

Day 3 (Sunday) started nice and early. Charger woke me up looking for breakfast around 6 am, and then we walked over to the dog park to give him some time to run around before getting back into the car for the day.

We made a quick stop at the Terry Fox monument on the way out of town. It was just before 8 am and not another soul was in sight. Charger and I sat on a bench and enjoyed the quiet for a while – it really was awe inspiring. Terry Fox has been a Canadian hero, and after making the two day drive to Thunder Bay, I cannot imagine the will and determination it took him to run that distance and more, and with all the challenges and adversity he faced.

I was worried that I had gotten off to a late start, because I knew the drive to Winnipeg would be long. I had also forgotten about the time change, so I was pleasantly surprised when I was able to add another hour to my day! :)

The theme of today's drive was trees! Lots and lots of trees... I suppose I will look back and appreciate that scenery once I hit the middle of the Prairies... even driving into Manitoba tonight it was surprising how flat everything suddenly seemed...

Around noon we made a stop to have lunch and let Charger go for a swim. He was hesitant at first because of the small drop into the water, but he was hot and soon figured it out!

Upon arriving in Kenora, “HarbourFest” was in full swing, which I found out is a car show and other events down by the waterfront. I parked the car and we walked down to see some of the cars/events. It was the middle of the afternoon so we also spent some time lounging in the shade and people-watching! It was a really nice way to spend the afternoon after being in the car for the last 2.5 days!

As I was driving to Manitoba, I decided that another night camping was not going to work. I was tired and needed a proper shower, so I booked a hotel room in Winnipeg and am excited to sleep in a real bed for the first time in a while! It is a nice way to break up the trip, and since I drove about an hour and a half farther than planned today, I can sleep in a bit and perhaps have a real breakfast to celebrate the holiday tomorrow!

Lesson learned for tomorrow: Don't forget the sunscreen (which reminds me of a really cool song by Baz Luhrmann called “Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” - check it out!) - I have a crazy drivers tan line after 3 straight days of driving. My left leg and arm are sun burnt, I have a square patch of burn on my right leg, and my left ear and chest are also somewhat red... So, don't forget the sunscreen!!!

Hope everyone is enjoyed the long weekend! The Prairie drive begins tomorrow... I wonder if it's really as flat and boring as everyone says it is...

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