Sunday 31 July 2011

Day 2: I think I can...

Day 2 (Saturday, as I am now a few days behind on the blog) saw me safely and comfortably settled in Thunder Bay... watching the sun set over the horizon and eating chicken dogs roasted over the fire... The drive was unimaginably beautiful. I have never been this far north in Ontario, and I have to say that it was breathtaking. I wish that I had been able to get more pictures, but there was very little room to pull over on some roads, and pictures wouldn't have done it justice. There were moments today where I felt like I had never seen anything so serene and untouched – I don't attend church on Sundays, but I felt like I had found my own piece of heaven.

My first stop was at a lookout between Sault St. Marie and Wawa... forest that stretched forever...

I stopped in the little town of Wawa to have breakfast at Tim Hortons (thank you Amy!!), visit the goose and let Charger exercise his legs near Wawa lake... but quickly continued on, because I was worried about timing and wanted to make it to Thunder Bay in good time.

There was almost no one on the roads, and the one thing I have discovered about driving is that it gives you ample time to think... I haven’t yet decided if this is a good thing or not?! My mindset alternated between... “Wow, this is amazing” to “Holy shit – what am I doing?!”... It made for a somewhat confusing drive, as I decided whether to proceed or turn around and go home! However, a very special person wrote to me that “The hard is what makes it great. If it was easy, everyone would do it”. He is the bravest person I know and his words of wisdom got me through today – I just need to hold on to that when I think it's too difficult.

Around two o'clock, Charger started to get restless so we made a stop for lunch and some down time at Aguasabon River Gorge (just after Terrace Bay). It was gorgeous! The lookout was quite high, and Charger was a bit nervous at first, but I managed to catch a picture of him overlooking the view!

After that, we drove straight to Thunder Bay, checked in at the camp site and set up camp. This campsite also has a dog park, so Charger made friends with two golden retrievers (neither of which he tried to make babies with – I suppose he is loyal to Roxy that way!) In the midst of writing this blog and eating my chicken dogs, I met a nice man named Angelo who is also traveling alone to Banff. His wife vacations in hot beach places, but that isn't his style, so he is road tripping it all the way from Massachusetts! He has a 20 year old daughter and a 16 year old son. It was nice to finally talk to someone besides Charger!!

Overall, not a bad day! No speeding tickets at least... Next, Charger and I cross the border into Manitoba... I miss everyone terribly, and wish I could bring you all with me on this journey, but I hope in writing this blog that I can share at least some of it with you – and just know you are not far from my thoughts. Tune in later, for a new day and a new time zone! xo

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